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Saturday, September 08, 2007

Why Protoscript?

Ok, the last thing in my mind when I created Protoscript was for it to be YAT (yet another toolkit).

I have been asked several times what really makes this different than toolkits like jQuery. And what is the compelling reason that someone would use Protoscript.

The motivation is straightforward:
  • Prototyping is too hard for non-techies
The reasons Protoscript can help solve some of the difficulties with prototyping are as follows:
  • Simplifying how we express interactions is a good thing
  • Behavior injection is a powerful iterative design tool
  • Plug-in Behaviors guarantee a growing set of prototyping solutions
  • By focusing on prototyping, things get simpler
Prototyping is Too Hard for Non-Techies
The end goal of Protoscript is a simple GUI that will allow non-techies to:
  • Go to any web page
  • Sprinkle simple to complex interactions onto that page
  • Do all this without writing code, but simply through an intuitive interface
I am a huge proponent of breaking down the barriers for the non-techies among us to be able to do what us techie geeks can do.

I have been fortunate to work with some awesome talent, many of which do not have the skills, the time or patience to prototype in Javascript.

Do I want to exclude them from the party? No.

If I can let more team members literally play with a working site and tease out better interactions then I have raised the state of the art (even if ever so slightly).

Simplifying how we express interactions is a good thing
By allowing an interaction to be expressed in a consistent, stylized declarative fashion (JSON) a whole set of goodness becomes available:
  • Widely variant interactions captured with same simple syntax
  • Nested syntax communicates the relationship between behaviors, events, callbacks & attributes
  • Non-programmers can read Protoscript better than JavaScript code. jQuery comes the closest to making Javascript readable by non-programmers (see discussion below on Protoscript and jQuery).
  • It is a lot easier to write a GUI tool that reads and writes JSON than it is to read/write Javascript. (This is why so many tools use XML or JSON since they are declarative formats)
  • JSON can be sent over the wire. This means a simple REST service could serve up and/or save JSON to remote services.
  • JSON is easier to parse
  • JSON is easy to write out to a database or as a flat file
Behavior Injection is a Powerful Iterative Design Tool
The Protoscripter bookmarklet is the first step in providing behavior injection. It allows you to popup the bookmarklet on any web page and type or paste in Protoscript code to inject interactions. (You can get it from the Protoscript Home page.)

Here is a fun example of this... Watch as I experiment with (mind you this is a contrived example)

Beyond the bookmarklet, it should be straightforward to create a Greasemonkey script that loads Protoscript (Alex Russell's suggestion) or a Firebug extension that adds prototyping to Firebug (Steve Souders led the way with YSlow) or a full on Firefox extension that brings palettes of behaviors to a page and adds smart element selection to make behavior injection simple.

And of course the extensions also open the door for being able to save the configuration to your desktop and recall/edit as needed.

Plug-in Behaviors guarantee a growing set of prototyping solutions.
Non-partisan, extensible plug in architecture allow an ever-growing set of interactions. Out of the box I support YUI as the behavior set (behaviors, events, callbacks and attributes) and jQuery as the selector mechanism (supports CSS selector syntax and XPath). But Protoscript allows you to add any number of new behaviors, write your own behavior set on other Javascript toolkits and plug in a different selector query mechanism.

This means that Protoscript is really not in opposition to tools like jQuery. I really like jQuery. I have always been a fan of syntactical sugar. It lessons the cognitive load when writing code.

jQuery has a powerful chaining and filtering mechanism that allows you to control the scope of elements you are applying behavior to.

Some of the advantages of Protoscript over jQuery for prototyping are:
  • In jQuery, behaviors are passed parameters and since they can vary in the number of parameters that get passed to them it is not easy to parse, stylize of guess at what must be passed. Protoscript promotes the parameters to be attributes in the JSON thus making the syntax the same across all behavior plugins. Since they are attributes they can also be read by external gui tools to automatically create a GUI interface
  • Protoscript uses a nested syntax instead of a single line of chained code. This allows protoscript to express chained behavior, changing scope and attaching behaviors & events (both can be done easily in jQuery). Where the JSON syntax gives a novel twist is now you can express in one interaction set a number of serial as well as chained actions.
  • Event expression is richer in JSON since you can express multiple events in serial fashion along with multiple callbacks thus capturing the forking nature of interaction as a tree instead of a single list.
Now I hasten to add that I do not believe Protoscript in anyway replaces jQuery. That in my mind is wrong and missing the point. Heck, I wrap jQuery and use it for my query selection (but not for behaviors, callbacks, etc. in the YUI reference implementation). jQuery does more in raw power than Protoscript ever aims to do.

Quite simply I am focused on prototyping. jQuery certainly can be used for prototyping. I just think that for all the reasons above it made sense for me to take a different approach.

By focusing on prototyping things got simpler
Protoscript just says, hey what if we did not try to everything that you need to do write a full-blown application... but instead focused on what you need to do to prototype.

When I looked at it that way it simplified the building blocks and the way you might hook them together.

The design of the JSON syntax was actually driven by the way I imagined the prototyping GUI tool would look like. That is certainly a different approach than most toolkits take. And the only reason I could take that approach was because of the laser focus on prototyping.

one possible concept of protoscript gui

Doesn't this make sense?
Look, I have created this and plan on continuing to grow and expand its capabilities. I have no aspirations to replace what anyone else is doing. I have struggled with this problem for over 25 years and especially the few years trying to bring richness to the web.

I have tried to make this as non-partisan as possible.

Hopefully others will create behaviors around their favorite toolkits (or adapters to their behavior sets) so that the GUI tools built for this will be able to seamlessly use them as well.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Announcing Protoscript

Wow. It has actually been 2 months since my last post. Nope. I have not fallen off the planet. This has been one of the craziest times I have experienced in a long time so while I have had a lot to chat about I have not had the time to blog coherently.

One of the projects I have been working on is a way to make it easier for all of the non-techies (as well as techies) to be able to experiment with various interactions on a web page in lightweight manner.

By lightweight, I mean to say a way to take an existing web page or a prototype of a web page and "sprinkle" rich behaviors to play with concepts. Ideally you should be able to express an interaction in a declarative manner without having to write JavaScript directly (but not kept from it if you need to). And even more ideally you should be able to build up the "legos" of interaction in simple GUI tool embedded in the browser so that you are not encumbered with even a simple syntax to type in.

So back in July, I was slated to give a talk at the Ajax Experience. I promised a few months before that I would have 2 new talks. One on Anti-Patterns (yes I owe several blog posts on that one) and the other on prototyping.

The problem was exactly one week before both talks I had literally had not time to put those talks together. So I dropped out for a few days to create a very early version of what is now protoscript. The good news was that it was actually fully functioning and I gave a peek of it at the conference.

I got a lot of good feedback from the talk and went back and rewrote it a couple of times, changed up some of my approach, moved to a plug-in style architecture, etc.

So, ok, what is protoscript?

Protoscript is a simplified scripting language for creating Ajax style prototypes for the Web. With Protoscript it's easy to bring interface elements to life. Simply connect them to behaviors and events to create complex interactions.

The key abstraction that came out of my thinking was to express everything as objects (think HTML elements), behaviors (think patterns) and events (both events and callbacks).

In some ways it is similar to jQuery. And in fact I use jQuery for the selecting of elements. Protoscript, however, is a very stylized way to describe interactions. This makes it ideal as a building block.

For example, since the language is so simple (It is actually in JSON format) it makes it easier to extend to multiple toolkits (currently I use YUI, but I have built a simple example with Mootools), add new behaviors and events and even more importantly be able to build GUI tools on top of it.

As a first hack I created Protoscripter a bookmarklet that brings a GUI interface to any web page allowing you to play with protoscript (without any installation, other than the bookmarklet) and experiment with interactions.

I have been careful about pushing protoscript out because of this layering approach. Ideally I would have the whole stack. I would have a complete GUI as a FF extension allowing designers, product marketing or web devs to quickly sprinkle interactions onto their prototypes and quickly iterate to the best design. Well that is not reality. I have invested about 2-3 weeks of time so far and feel I have gotten it to the right level to release to the public.

There are 31 behaviors, 40+ live demos, a simple GUI tool (protoscripter). The scripting engine seems to be pretty solid (knock on wood). I have a full wiki with full documentation on all those behaviors. The code is over in Google Code in a repository ready for open source contribution.

So to kick it off I am giving a talk this morning at the Rich Web Experience here in San Jose. You can get a PDF version of my talk here: Prototype Presentation.

And most importantly start checking out (right now the best experience is in Firefox).