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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Two Upcoming Webcasts

On Tues, Feb. 3rd I will be presenting a short talk on Designing Web Interfaces as a webcast for O'Reilly. This talk is free and space is limited (and filling up fast), so if you are interested sign up now.

And a reminder on a completely different (brand new) talk I will be giving on Feb. 26th: Bringing Design to Life: What Every Designer Should Know about Interface Engineering. This talk comes out of my longtime experience bouncing between the design & engineering worlds and in particular lessons learned at Yahoo! and Netflix. This 60-minute webinar is initially available as a live class, and then is made available in a DRM-free recorded, edited format. By avoiding the travel required in attending a physical seminar or conference, you save money and reduce your impact on the environment. You are free to watch the webinar with colleagues in a conference room, making for an even better value. The cost is only $129.

Details here:

Friday, January 16, 2009

Designing Web Interfaces Book Site and Flickr Companion Site Live

Designing Web Interfaces coverI am happy to announce that the two companion sites to my book are now live. is the companion book site as well as the book's blog site. Look for some exciting articles on the blog in the next few weeks.

The companion Flickr site should also be helpful as it provides all of the book's figures under a generous Creative Commons license.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Upcoming Talk: Bringing Design to Life (Rosenfeld Future Practices Webinar) - Feb 26th

Auroville: Under Construction (by premasagar)I am excited about a new online seminar that I will be giving Bringing Design to Life: What Every Designer Should Know about Interface Engineering. This is part of the Rosenfeld Future Practice Webinars series (a joint venture of Smart Experience and Rosenfeld Media).

For the last 25 years I have been solidly focused in the world of user interface creation. At times I have been solely focused on design and at other times on interface engineering. At other times I have held both responsibilities at once (e.g., leading a UX team while leading two interface engineering teams). Having spanned both design & engineering, I deeply understand the challenges is translating ideas into products. For this talk I decided to focus specifically on how web designers can work in the most efficient manner with their engineering counterparts. It is the "stuff" that most engineers wish their design colleagues knew.

This 60-minute webinar is initially available as a live class, and then is made available in a DRM-free recorded, edited format. By avoiding the travel required in attending a physical seminar or conference, you save money and reduce your impact on the environment. You are free to watch the webinar with colleagues in a conference room, making for an even better value. The cost is only $129.

Join me on Feb. 26th (18:00 GMT / 1pm EST / 10am PST) for Bringing Design to Life: What Every Designer Should Know about Interface Engineering.

(Previous webinars include Luke Wroblewski on Modern Web Form Design and Indi Young on Using Mental Models for Tactics and Strategy. Also check their schedule for a complete lineup of monthly webinars.)

Also, if your are interested in purchasing materials from Rosenfeld Media, please use my discount code when you visit the site (good for a 15% discount): SCOTTWBNR.

Photo credit: Auroville: Under Construction from premasagar's flickr stream, Creative Commons License.