The book is a partial outgrowth of various talks I have given over the last few years: Designing for Ajax, Designing Web Interfaces: Principles and Patterns for Rich Interaction and When Designers Get Too Clever: Anti-Patterns.
(By the way, the bird on the cover is the Guianan Cock-of-the-Rock and the image is from Johnson's Natural History. Yeah, I feel like strutting ;-)
(By the way, the bird on the cover is the Guianan Cock-of-the-Rock and the image is from Johnson's Natural History. Yeah, I feel like strutting ;-)
The work on the Yahoo! Design Pattern Library also helped frame of lot of the ideas presented in the book (there are 75+ patterns discussed).
Additionally the work that Theresa & I did at Sabre Airline Solutions in documenting design patterns, performing heuristic evaluations on two dozen complex airline products as well as actively designing new solutions for the suite of products brought a lot of the principles to light while writing this book.
Two other items I am very excited about.
Companion Flickr Site
First, following the example of Luke Wroblewski (who also wrote the Forward to the book) we will be making all of the figures and illustrations (over 500 images) available on the companion Flickr site. In addition since many of the images are keyframes that illustrate steps in an interaction, I will be making the original screencast movie available on the flickr site as well. You can see an example of this for All the Web's Live Search (Yahoo! experiment that is no longer available). Like Luke, we will make all this material available via Creative Commons. You will be free to use it in your presentations, etc. We only require attribution back to our book.
Companion Book Site
Additionally, Theresa & I will be posting and keeping up to date a companion book site, DesigningWebInterfaces. We will be posting new examples, new patterns, new anti-patterns as well as links to other great pattern sites or books. Note, that it is just a "parked" page at the moment. Look for the site to be live around the book publish date. Stay tuned here for the go-live announcement.
I don't just say this anyone, Bill— "Congratulations, and... Nice Cock!"
I've been waiting for you to release a book for some time now - and what do you do? You get to put a Cock on it. Dude. I love you.
Nice! What Bryce said.
Congratulations, Bill!
Congrats, Bill, this is an important contribution to our industry and a great personal Tour de Force on your part.
Well done, congratulations, and thank you.
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